So, once up on a time, OK, about a month ago, I bought an enormous bag of miso to make miso soup. Now I have made one batch of miso soup and I still have an enormous bag of miso. It was time to do something about that.
Ryan and I have been enjoying our grill that I got him for his birthday on Craigslist, and so we decided to indulge in the purchase of a pound of shrimp for some kabobs. I whipped up a miso glaze which was more than adequate to coat our shrimp. In fact, we still had some leftover. And so, a salad dressing was born.
I want this post to be a waste-not, want-not sort of lesson I suppose. I feel like too often I buy an ingredient for a specific purpose, and then ignore the fact that I didn't use it up and allow it to go bad. I am making a concerted effort not to do that anymore; to find something to do with that leftover lemongrass, buttermilk, or cassava. It's one thing to step out of your comfort zone and make something different, but it's a whole other adventure to recognize that something needs to be done in your ktichen, and to make it happen.
Do I still have a lot of miso? Yes. Will I use it all up? I hope so. If you want miso should you ask me for some? Absolutely!
Miso Glaze
2 tbsp miso
1/4 cup sherry
1 tsp sugar
3 tbsp water
Mix thoroughly and use to coat fish, shrimp, veggies, whatever!
Miso Dressing
Use the above recipe and add 1/4 c mayonnaise
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